Treasures of the Oltrarno: Santo Spirito and the Brancacci Chapel

Santo Spirito e cappella Brancacci guided tour

This guided tour is completely dedicated to the less known area of Florence, away of the most beaten paths, which maintains the charm of the old city untouched – the Oltrarno. The Oltrarno literally means “the other side of the Arno”, the river, to the south. There are many famous landmarks here too.

During this tour we will be visitng two of them, situated nearby: the Church of Santo Spirito and famous Brancacci chapel.

The Basilica of Santo Spirito, or Holy Spirit, is one of the best examples of early Renaissance architecture in Florence. It was projected by Filippo Brunelleschi, the author of the immence Cupola of the Cathedral. This visit is an unforgettable experience for all those who appreciate the history and architecture. Inside we can find a sort of the museum – there are 40 chapels, and each contains its own altarpiece – all the works of Renaissaince, mannerists and Baroque artists.

After visiting the Santo Spirito church the guided tour continues to the Brancacci Chapel, one of the two chapels of the Church of San Frediano, famous for its cycle of frescoes by Masaccio (Big Tom) and Masolino (Little Tom). Commissioned in the XV century by the Brancacci family, this cycle became a cornerstone of painting of the Early Renaissance, measure against which all subsequent must be compared. Absolutely a must-see for all the admirers of florentine Renaissance!

Some useful tips:

  • Tickets: entrance to the Santo Spirito church is free. Usually it is not necessary to book the tickets to the Brancacci Chapel in advance: the lines are not long.
  • Length of this guided tour: from 3 to 4 hours, depending on your needs. Price: from € 165 to 200, depending on the length and the size of the group.
  • A full-day guided tour (till 6 hours): the best options are The treasures of Oltrarno + walking city centre tour, or The treasures of Oltrarno + Pitti Palace (which is situated on the south side of the river too). Feel free to contact me for your customized itinerary.

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